Volume 40 Issue 1
Jan.  2023
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CHANG Xiaofeng, SUN Jinsheng, WANG Qingchen.Hole cleaning technology for horizontal and deviated drilling: progress made and prospect[J]. Drilling Fluid & Completion Fluid,2023, 40(1):1-19 doi: 10.12358/j.issn.1001-5620.2023.01.001
Citation: CHANG Xiaofeng, SUN Jinsheng, WANG Qingchen.Hole cleaning technology for horizontal and deviated drilling: progress made and prospect[J]. Drilling Fluid & Completion Fluid,2023, 40(1):1-19 doi: 10.12358/j.issn.1001-5620.2023.01.001

Hole Cleaning Technology for Horizontal and Deviated Drilling: Progress Made and Prospect

doi: 10.12358/j.issn.1001-5620.2023.01.001
  • Received Date: 2022-09-15
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-10-13
  • Publish Date: 2023-01-31
  • Although progresses made in horizontal drilling have been very beneficial to the development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas, two factors related to the cleaning of drilled cuttings from the horizontal section of a well seriously hinder the drilling operation. One of the factors is borehole wall instability, and the other is the difficulties in wellbore cleaning. Inability to remove drilled cuttings from a wellbore in a timely manner often results in increases in friction and torque on the downhole drill string, and the frequency of pipe sticking, and the worse is the simultaneous occurrence of lost circulation. First in this paper, the causes of cuttings bed formation and technical parameters for field operation are analyzed and summarized from two aspects, which are hole cleaning mechanisms and the main factors affecting hole cleaning (mud rheology, pipe rotation, hole inclination, sizes of the drilled cuttings, mud weight and flowrate etc.). Second, the methods and mechanisms of cuttings removal were systematically elaborated from the drilling fluid technologies and hole cleaning tools available both in China and abroad to help deal with the difficulties in hole cleaning in deviated and horizontal drilling. Finally, the development direction for horizontal and deviated hole cleaning technology is prospected to provide a reference for the hole cleaning technology development in the future.


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