An Integrated Working Fluid for Blocking Removal and Sand Control in Offshore Wells Blocked by Particle Migration
摘要: 针对海上油田微粒运移堵塞井产能下降严重的问题,采用酸化解堵后再防砂的常规工艺措施往往存在作业工期长、成本费用较高以及施工效果较差等缺点,因此,开展了解堵控砂一体化工艺措施研究。室内以复合有机酸HCW-2、树脂HWR301S和固化剂HWR302S为主要处理剂,研制了一套适合海上油田微粒运移堵塞井的解堵控砂一体化工作液体系,并对其综合性能进行了评价。结果表明:该体系的控砂能力较强,在高流量(120 mL/min)和长时间(720 min)驱替作用下仍能保持较高的控砂效率;注入解堵控砂一体化工作液可以有效解除微粒运移产生的堵塞伤害,并且注入流速越大,解堵效果越好;另外,该体系还具有较低的黏度、pH值和表面张力,有利于其注入和返排,体系的防膨性能、缓蚀性能和稳定铁/钙离子性能较好,能够确保施工过程的安全,并不会对地层造成二次伤害。综合分析研究结果,研制的解堵控砂一体化工作液体系能够在解除微粒运移堵塞的同时起到良好的控砂效果,达到长效解堵增产的目的。
Abstract: In view of the serious decline in productivity of wells blocked by particle migration in offshore oil fields, the conventional technological measures of sand control after acid plugging removal often have shortcomings such as long operation period, high cost and poor construction effect. Therefore, the integrated technological measures of understanding plugging and controlling sand are studied. With compound organic acid HCW-2, resin HWR301S and curing agent HWR302S as main treating agents, a set of integrated working fluid system for removing blockage and controlling sand suitable for wells blocked by particle migration in offshore oil fields was developed, and its comprehensive performance was evaluated. The results show that the system has strong sand control ability and can still maintain high sand control efficiency under high flow rate (120 mL/min) and long time (720 min) displacement. Injection of integrated working fluid for plug removal and sand control can effectively remove the plug damage caused by particle migration, and the greater the injection flow rate, the better the plug removal effect; In addition, the system has low viscosity, pH value and surface tension, which is beneficial to its injection and flowback. The system has good anti-swelling performance, corrosion inhibition performance and stable iron/calcium ion performance, which can ensure the safety of the construction process and will not cause secondary damage to the formation. According to the comprehensive analysis of the research results, the developed integrated working fluid system for plug removal and sand control can not only remove the blockage caused by particle migration, but also play a good role in sand control, thus achieving the purpose of long-term plug removal and increasing production.-
Key words:
- Offshore oil fields /
- Particle migration blockage /
- Acid plugging /
- Sand control /
- Integration
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