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李小林 吴朝明 赵殊勋 林志辉 王贵富 凌勇 王浪

李小林, 吴朝明, 赵殊勋, 林志辉, 王贵富, 凌勇, 王浪. 大港油田页岩油储层固井技术研究与应用[J]. 钻井液与完井液, 2020, 37(2): 232-238. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2020.02.017
引用本文: 李小林, 吴朝明, 赵殊勋, 林志辉, 王贵富, 凌勇, 王浪. 大港油田页岩油储层固井技术研究与应用[J]. 钻井液与完井液, 2020, 37(2): 232-238. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2020.02.017
LI Xiaolin, WU Chaoming, ZHAO Shuxun, LIN Zhihui, WANG Guifu, LING Yong, WANG Lang. Technology for Cementing Shale Oil Reservoirs in Dagang Oilfield: Study and Application[J]. DRILLING FLUID & COMPLETION FLUID, 2020, 37(2): 232-238. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2020.02.017
Citation: LI Xiaolin, WU Chaoming, ZHAO Shuxun, LIN Zhihui, WANG Guifu, LING Yong, WANG Lang. Technology for Cementing Shale Oil Reservoirs in Dagang Oilfield: Study and Application[J]. DRILLING FLUID & COMPLETION FLUID, 2020, 37(2): 232-238. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2020.02.017


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2020.02.017




  • 中图分类号: TE256

Technology for Cementing Shale Oil Reservoirs in Dagang Oilfield: Study and Application

  • 摘要: 针对大港油田页岩油储层固井过程中地层压力系统复杂、油气活跃、钾盐钻井液与水泥浆相容性差、钻井液混油驱替困难、水泥石力学性能要求高等难题,开展了固井工作液及配套固井技术措施研究。采用具有洗油作用的功能型前置液,对含油钾盐钻井液的冲洗效率超过90%;针对大港油田页岩油储层固井"四低一高"要求,采用具有静胶凝过渡时间为5 min、抗压强度大、弹性模量低等特点的防窜性能优良、水泥石力学性能突出的高强度韧性防窜水泥浆体系。落实"双扶"、"三扶"通井措施,采用纤维+稠钻井液裹砂携砂井眼清洁技术、虚泥饼清除技术,做好井眼准备工作,优化页岩油储层配套固井技术措施,形成了适用于大港油田页岩油储层的固井工艺技术,该成果在现场获得成功应用。


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