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朱仪玫 方波 卢拥军 邱晓惠

朱仪玫, 方波, 卢拥军, 邱晓惠. 环氧氯丙烷改性纤维素溶液的流变与减阻性能[J]. 钻井液与完井液, 2016, 33(6): 95-100. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2016.06.017
引用本文: 朱仪玫, 方波, 卢拥军, 邱晓惠. 环氧氯丙烷改性纤维素溶液的流变与减阻性能[J]. 钻井液与完井液, 2016, 33(6): 95-100. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2016.06.017
ZHU Yimei, FANG Bo, LU Yongjun, QIU Xiaohui. Study on the Rheology and Drag Reducing Performance of Epoxy Chloropropane Modifed Cellulose Solution[J]. DRILLING FLUID & COMPLETION FLUID, 2016, 33(6): 95-100. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2016.06.017
Citation: ZHU Yimei, FANG Bo, LU Yongjun, QIU Xiaohui. Study on the Rheology and Drag Reducing Performance of Epoxy Chloropropane Modifed Cellulose Solution[J]. DRILLING FLUID & COMPLETION FLUID, 2016, 33(6): 95-100. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2016.06.017


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5620.2016.06.017






  • 中图分类号: TE357.12

Study on the Rheology and Drag Reducing Performance of Epoxy Chloropropane Modifed Cellulose Solution

  • 摘要: 为提高羧甲基羟乙基纤维素(CMHEC)溶液的黏弹性,拓宽其应用范围,以环氧氯丙烷(EPIC)与CMHEC进行反应,首次制备出水溶性改性羧甲基羟乙基纤维素EPIC-CMHEC。研究了EPIC-CMHEC和CMHEC水溶液的流变特性(流动曲线、黏弹性、本构方程、触变性等)以及减阻性能。结果表明,EPIC-CMHEC溶液黏度显著提高,其3 g/L水溶液黏度为56.6 mPa·s,比3 g/L CMHEC水溶液的黏度(18.3 mPa·s)提高了2.1倍,且弹性也优于CMHEC溶液。在170 s-1剪切下,温度从20℃升至80℃后,0.3% EPIC-CMHEC溶液的黏度约为19 mPa·s,仍高于25℃时0.3%的CMHEC溶液的黏度;EPIC-CMHEC溶液的减阻性能也明显提高,0.10%的EPIC-CMHEC和CMHEC溶液最大减阻率分别为72.70%和68.41%。EPIC-CMHEC和CMHEC溶液的流动曲线可用Cross本构方程进行表征,EPIC-CMHEC可望用于油气田开采和减阻领域。


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  • 收稿日期:  2016-09-23
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