High Viscosity Characteristics of Heavy Oils Produced in Tahe Oilfield and Treatment of Drilling Fluids Contaminated by Invasion of the Heavy Oils
摘要: 为了解决塔河高黏稠油侵害钻井液的问题,研究对比了塔河稠油与典型劣质重油的关键性质及塔河稠油沥青质-甲苯溶液黏度随浓度的变化规律,发现塔河稠油的高黏特性主要原因是沥青质含量高与芳香度高,以此为基础,设计2种实验方案。一是针对钻井初期稠油侵入量少的情况,通过在钻井液中添加适宜的分散剂和芳香馏分的复配体系,将稠油进行分散,结果为5#钻井液体系效果最好,TH121155X井稠油在无固钻井液中的分散度超过99%。二是针对稠油侵入量大的情况,对稠油进行包裹,使稠油失去黏附性,降低稠油在钻具上黏附,确保地面振动筛能够顺利筛分。研究数据表明,BGJ-2-4复配的包裹剂对塔河TH12471H井稠油具有良好的包裹效果,罐黏附率仅为0.3%。Abstract: High viscosity heavy oil invasion in the Tahe block have caused serious damage to the properties of the drilling fluids. To deal with this problem, the key properties of the Tahe heavy oils and those of the typical poor quality heavy oils were compared, and the change of the viscosity of the Tahe heavy oil asphaltenes in toluene solution with the concentration of the heavy oils was studied. It was found that the high viscosity of the Tahe heavy oils comes from high asphaltene content and high aromaticity. Based on this finding, two programs were prepared; one is, at the time when there is only slight heavy oil invasion, a compound additive containing appropriate dispersants and aromatic fraction can be added into the contaminated drilling fluid to disperse the heavy oils. This treatment has been best done in the 5# drilling fluid. In drilling the well TH121155X, the dispersity of the heavy oils in the solids-free drilling fluid was more than 99%. The other treatment involves the contamination of drilling fluids by large amount of heavy oils. In this treatment the heavy oils are wrapped up by wrapping agents and therefore lose their adhesiveness. The adhesiveness of the wrapped heavy oils on the surfaces of the drilling tools is minimized and the heavy oils can thus be effectively and efficiently separated out by the shale shakers. Study results show that wrapping agent BGJ-2-4 has good wrapping capacity for the treatment of heavy oils found in the well TH12471H, and the adhesion rate on the walls of mud tanks is only 0.3%.
Key words:
- Heavy oil /
- Drilling fluid /
- Dispersant /
- Wrapping agent
表 1 7组钻井液体系出现分层时间
钻井液 不同温度分层时间/h 钻井液 不同温度分层时间/h 20 ℃ 50 ℃ 20 ℃ 50 ℃ 1# 28.00 0.10 5# 30 6.0 2# 0.25 0.22 6# 28 4.0 3# 28.00 4.00 7# 29 5.5 4# 0.17 0.15 表 2 芳溶剂用量对塔河稠油在钻井液中分散性能的影响
%0(空白实验) 2.0 10 15.20 3 2.0 10 99.13 5 2.0 10 99.47 7 2.0 10 99.87 注:分散剂加入量为0.3%。 表 3 塔河稠油量、分散时间对其在钻井液中分散性能影响
%10 3 1.0 95.33 3 1.5 97.86 3 2.0 99.13 5 2.0 99.47 15 3 2.0 98.02 5 2.0 99.06 20 3 2.0 95.06 5 2.0 97.33 注:分散剂加入量为0.3%。 表 4 不同包裹剂和包裹剂复配对稠油包裹后的黏附情况
率/%空白实验 75.6 6.3 BGJ-2-1 8.9 15.7 BGJ-2 3.2 5.7 BGJ-2-2 7.3 25.7 BGJ-4 10.2 2.1 BGJ-2-3 10.7 26.0 BGJ-5 11.3 3.3 BGJ-2-4 0.3 0 注:稠油加量为20%,在150 ℃包裹2 h,包裹剂加量为10%。 表 5 不同因素对包裹效果的影响
稠油/% 包裹时间/h 包裹温度/℃ 包裹剂/% 10 20 30 1.0 1.5 2.0 130 140 150 5.0 7.5 10 罐黏附率/% 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 9.3 5.7 0.5 棒黏附率/% 0 0 0 1.7 0 0 1.2 0.5 0 39.4 14.3 1.2 注:表中对应非变量条件为150 ℃、2 h、包裹剂量10%、稠油量20%,如考察稠油加入量时,其他条件为150 ℃、2 h、包裹剂量为10%。 表 6 包裹剂用量对20%稠油包裹效果(1.5 h、130 ℃)
%5.0 5 5.3 27.4 5.0 20 9.3 39.4 7.5 20 5.7 14.3 10 5 0.4 0.5 10 20 0.5 1.2 -
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