Formation Damage in High Temperature Dense Glutenite Reservoirs by Salt Sensitivity and Salt Precipitation
摘要: 中国渤海湾盆地广泛分布特低渗致密砂砾岩油气藏,与常规砂岩储层相比,致密砂砾岩储层具有黏土矿物丰富,溶蚀孔隙及微裂缝发育且非均质性强等特点,注入流体侵入容易诱发储层损害,堵塞孔喉,降低储层渗流能力,阻碍油气井稳产。以BZ19-6井区砂砾岩储层井下岩心为例,分别依据行业标准法和高温高回压稳态法开展储层盐敏损害室内实验评价,基于扫描电镜分析了敏感性矿物和盐类矿物的类型及赋存特征。实验结果表明:储层盐敏程度为中等偏强~强;岩心渗透率越低,盐析对储层的孔隙度和渗透率的损害程度越大,建议对于渗透率小于0.1 mD、储层温度高于100 ℃的致密岩心,推荐应用高温高回压稳态法评价储层流体敏感性更具优势。研究区黏土矿物以丝片/丝缕状伊利石、蚀变高岭石及伊/蒙间层矿物为主,主要呈栉壳式、分散充填、搭桥等方式赋存于溶蚀孔隙,是储层盐敏的主要因素。高温环境地层水加速蒸发,易导致近井带盐析,盐类矿物主要为钾盐和石盐,赋存于矿物颗粒表面和孔隙壁面易堵塞微细孔喉;地层水静态蒸发可溶盐析出堵塞致密孔喉、动态驱替盐晶运移堵塞喉道及盐析弱化岩石力学强度,导致微粒运移是致密砂砾岩盐析损害的主要机理。推荐使用KCl-饱和盐水聚磺钻井液和两性离子聚合物钻井液技术,通过降低钻井液侵入和抑制盐类在钻井液中的结晶和成核,从而降低储层盐敏损害。Abstract: Ultra-low permeability tight glutenite reservoirs are widely distributed in the Bohai Bay, China. Compared with conventional sandstone reservoirs, the tight glutenite reservoirs are rich in clay minerals, highly developed with dissolved pores and microfractures, and have strong heterogeneity. Invasion of injected fluids into the glutenite reservoirs easily induces formation damage and blocking of pore throats, thereby reducing the flow capacity and the production rates of oil and gas. Cores taken from the glutenite formation in the BZ19-6 block were evaluated for salt sensitivity damage according to the industrial standards and high temperature high back-pressure steady-state method. The types and in-situ characteristics of the sensitive minerals and salt minerals were analyzed using SEM. The experimental results show that the salt sensitivity of the Kongdian glutenite is moderately strong to strong. Since the lower the permeability of the core, the higher the damage to the porosity and permeability of the core by salt precipitation, it is thus recommended that for dense cores with permeability less than 0.1 mD and reservoirs temperature higher than 100 ℃, the high temperature high back pressure steady state evaluation method be used to evaluate the flow sensitivity of the reservoir rocks. The clay minerals in the Kongdian formation are mainly silky/filamentous illite, altered kalinite and mixed illite/montmorillonite which exist in the dissolution pores in the form of comb shell type, dispersed filling and bridging etc., and are the main causes of salt sensitivity of the reservoirs. High temperature accelerates the evaporation of formation water, causing salt precipitation near the wellbore. The precipitated salts are mainly potassium salt and halite which exist on the surfaces of the mineral particles and walls of the pores, and cause the pore throats to be easily clogged. The main mechanisms of dense glutenite formation damage by salt precipitation include static evaporation of formation water which leads to clogging of the dense pore throats, salt crystal migration during dynamic displacement which clogs the pore throats and the weakening of the rock strengths by salt precipitation which leads to particle migration. To minimize reservoir damage by salt sensitivity, KCl-salt saturated polymer sulfonate and zwitterionic polymer drilling fluids are recommended as the drill-in fluids, the filtration rates of the drilling fluids should be reduced, and the crystallization and nucleation of salts in the drilling fluids be inhibited.
Key words:
- Near source deposition /
- Glutenite /
- Flow sensitivity /
- Particle migration /
- Reservoir damage /
- Evaluation method
图 10 致密砂岩气井生产过程中多层次盐析示意图[15]
表 1 BZ19-6井区孔店组砂砾岩储层流体敏感性评价实验岩心基础物性参数
井号 深度/m 长度/mm 直径/mm 气测渗透率/mD 气测孔隙度/% 实验方法 BZ19-6-C 3858.28 42.11 25.01 1.02 9.90 行业标准
70 ℃BZ19-6-C 3858.28 37.15 25.14 1.09 9.90 BZ19-6-C 3858.28 40.32 25.16 0.80 8.04 BZ19-6-X 4429.58 40.90 25.00 0.26 5.15 高温高回压稳态法140 ℃ BZ19-6-X 4429.45 38.10 25.20 0.24 6.21 BZ19-6-X 4429.71 38.10 25.10 0.29 6.91 BZ19-6-X 4429.71 40.05 25.12 0.27 6.85 表 2 BZ19-6-X井模拟地层水分析
(mg/L) 井号 Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Cl− SO42− HCO3− CO32− BZ19-6-C 20 276.17 15 214.15 299.93 180.75 41 097.04 4755.13 10 271.13 404.83 BZ19-6-X 12 260.45 146 247.47 106.59 175.86 9039.35 1190.24 25 452.66 501.14 -
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