Identifying Types and Analyzing Main Controlling Factors of Mud Losses Using a Method Integrating LightGBM Algorithm and SHAP
摘要: 在塔里木盆地库车山前地区,盐膏层和目的层的地质条件复杂,钻井过程中面临许多挑战。这种复杂性导致井漏在钻井过程中频繁发生,带来巨大的经济损失。研究采用LightGBM算法建立了井漏判断模型,LightGBM模型判别性能较好,平均召回率为85%,精确率为91%,F1-Socre为86.7%。同时利用了基于SHAP值的可解释性机器学习技术分别针对单次井漏事件和所有井漏事件进行分析。SHAP值方法基于合作博弈理论,它将井漏事件的发生分解为不同特征的贡献值,以解释每个特征对于井漏事件的影响。研究发现,Δρ(钻井液密度与地层破裂压力当量钻井液密度的差值)、排量、井深和层位是导致井漏的主要影响因素。同时针对库车山前地区的盐膏层和目的层的地质情况,深入分析了层内地质影响和层间垂直分布影响。由此,现场工程师能够准确、快速地判断井漏类型,为防漏堵漏措施制定提供了有力支持。Abstract: In the Kuche piedmont structure in the Tarim Basin where complex geological conditions prevail, frequent mud losses into the salt/gypsum formations and the target zones cause huge economic losses. To identity the types of the mud losses, a judgement model is established using the LightGBM algorithm. The LightGBM model, with good discriminative performance, has average recall rate of 85%, precision of 91% and F1-Score of 86.7%. In analyzing the types of mud losses, the interpretable machine learning techniques based on SHAP values are adopted to analyze a single mud loss event and all mud loss events as a whole. The SHAP value method, which is based on Cooperative Game Theory, breaks down the occurrence of mud loss events into contribution values of different features, and explains the effects of each feature on the mud loss event. Studies show that the main factors affecting mud losses include the difference between the mud density and the equivalent density calculated from the fracture pressure of the formation, the flow rate of mud, the well depth and the formation drilled. For the geology of the salt/gypsum formations and the target zones in the Kuche piedmont structure, the effects of the formation geology and the vertical distribution of the interlayer are in depth analyzed. This study enables the field engineers to fast and accurately determine the types of mud losses, and provides a strong support to the design of measures for preventing and controlling mud losses.
Key words:
- Mud loss /
- LightGBM /
- Interpretable machine learning /
- Main controlling factor /
- Type of mud loss
表 1 模型评价指标表
井漏类型 召回率 精确率 F1-Score 诱导裂缝型漏失 0.88 0.97 0.92 裂缝扩展型漏失 0.96 0.76 0.85 天然裂缝型漏失 0.71 1.00 0.83 表 2 克深区带盐膏层和目的层漏失类型
层位 代号 主要漏失成因类型 次要漏失成因类型 盐膏层 上泥岩段 E1-2km1 诱导裂缝型 裂缝扩展型 盐岩段 E1-2km2 诱导裂缝型 裂缝扩展型 中泥岩段 E1-2km3 诱导裂缝型 裂缝扩展型 膏岩段 E1-2km4 诱导裂缝型 天然裂缝型漏失 下泥岩段 E1-2km5 天然裂缝型漏失 裂缝扩展型 目的层 第一段 K1bs1 天然裂缝型漏失 裂缝扩展型 第二段 K1bs2 天然裂缝型漏失 裂缝扩展型 第三段 K1bs3 裂缝扩展型 天然裂缝型漏失 -
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