Research and Application of High-efficiency Bactericide for Guar Gum Fracturing Fluid
摘要: 夏季压裂施工过程中存在胍胶压裂液受细菌等微生物滋生影响而腐化变质的问题,利用微生物多样性测序技术对大庆、内蒙和四川区域储液罐中胍胶压裂液的细菌菌种进行了分析,针对微生物类型研制了季铵盐复合聚赖氨酸类高效杀菌剂,通过平板计数法评价了其对胍胶压裂液的杀菌效果。室内实验结果表明:新研制的复合型杀菌剂可在2 h内使得细菌的致死率达到100%。现场胍胶压裂液添加该杀菌剂后储存3 d后体系的黏度保持率仍达90%。现场应用8口井共计352段,胍胶类压裂液体系使用该杀菌剂后未再出现腐败变质,证实了该新型杀菌剂具有高效杀菌效果。Abstract: In response to the problem of guar gum fracturing fluid being affected by bacteria and other microorganisms during the summer in Daqing area, which leads to deterioration, and hydration, and affects the success rate of construction, the microbial diversity sequencing technology was used to analyze the bacterial species of guar gum fracturing fluid in three reservoir tanks constructed at the same time in different blocks, and the Quaternary ammonium cation composite polylysine high-efficiency bactericide was developed. The bactericidal effect of the new compound bactericide on fracturing fluid in Daqing area was evaluated by plate counting method. The experimental results showed that the newly developed compound bactericide could make the sterilizing rate reach 100% in 2h. A total of 352 sections were applied in 8 wells on site, and the viscosity retention rate of guar gum fracturing fluid was still 90% after 72 hours. This bactericide effectively solves the technical problem of rapid deterioration of on-site guar gum fracturing fluids, providing important performance guarantee for smooth fracturing construction, and has important application prospects in plant gum fracturing fluids.
Key words:
- Strain analysis /
- Amplicon sequencing /
- Quaternary ammonium /
- Polylysine /
- Compound bactericide
表 1 不同样品细菌多样性指数变化
Sample Chao1指数 Shannon指数 A1 230.270 2.672 70 A2 338.845 4.399 82 A3 677.817 5.258 42 A4 1131.270 7.342 81 B1 2576.970 6.357 80 B2 1807.470 6.492 33 B3 2384.970 6.796 00 B4 2214.910 6.744 95 B5 2260.700 6.650 47 TAR 5937.180 9.157 16 表 2 不同浓度ε-聚赖氨酸对大庆样品的杀菌率测试结果
ε-聚赖氨酸浓/% 8.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 杀菌率/% 100 100 100 100 98.08 95.16 表 3 不同浓度ε-聚赖氨酸的杀菌率
ε-聚赖氨酸有效浓度/% 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 杀菌率/% 57.4 94.3 99.31 100 100 100 100 注:季铵盐浓度为10%。 表 4 使用新型杀菌剂压裂液其他主要性能测试结果
s破胶液性能 破胶液表
%检验结果 30 64 25.2 0.80 100 89.47 -
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