Reservoir Friendly Ultra-fine Manganese Tetroxide for Drilling Fluids
摘要: 在顺北油田深井、超深井钻井中,重晶石加重高密度钻井液体系存在流变参数调节难、沉降稳定性差、储层固相颗粒损害严重等问题。国外微锰(Micromax)在钻井液中的性能表现良好,但其技术垄断和高使用成本限制了其在国内推广应用。为研发高性价比国产微锰产品、构建储层友好型钻井液体系,采用锰矿法制备出钻井液用微锰(DFMT01),并进行结构表征和性能评价,测试了顺北区块高密度聚磺钻井液体系的性能及泥饼酸溶效果,讨论了含锰废液的循环利用。结果表明,DFMT01理化性质良好,密度大于4.7 g/cm3,酸溶率大于99%,D50为1.17 μm,颗粒球形度为0.967,均与国外同类产品相当;该产品加重的聚磺钻井液体系在流变性、滤失性、沉降稳定性、冲蚀性和储层保护特性均达到或超过Micromax加重体系。确定了“碳酸钙中和沉淀-硫酸回收锰离子-混凝法处理废水”处理高浓度酸性含锰废液的组合工艺,处理后水中锰的质量浓度为0.45 mg/L、固体悬浮物为10 mg/L,达到一级标准要求,可实现DFMT01生产、使用和处理的闭环利用。该产品性能优良,成本低,具有非常广阔的推广应用价值。Abstract: High density drilling fluids weighted with barite were used in deep well and ultra-deep well drilling in the Shunbei block. Several problems were found with these drilling fluids during drilling, such as difficulties in maintaining mud rheology, poor settling stability as well as reservoir damage by the solid particles from the drilling fluids etc. Micromax as a weight material has been reported in dealing with these problems, but the use of Micromax in China has been limited because of technical monopolization and high cost. A new drilling fluid micro-manganese weighting additive DFMT01 was developed using the “manganese ore method”. As a cost-effective domestic micro-manganese product, DFMT01 was used to formulate reservoir protective drilling fluids. The molecular structure of DFMT01 was characterized, and the performance of DFMT01 was evaluated in the high density sulfonated drilling fluids used in the Shunbei block. The results of field application of DFMT01 show that it has good physical and chemical properties. DFMT01 has a density of 4.7 g/cm3, an acid solubility of at least 99%, a D50 of 1.17 μm and particle sphericity of 0.967, all these properties are comparable to the equivalent products from abroad. Drilling fluids weighted with DFMT01 have rheology, filtration property, erosion property and reservoir protective capacity equal to or better than those of the drilling fluids weighted with Micromax. A “neutralize to precipitate calcium carbonate – recover manganese ions with sulfuric acid – coagulate to treat the waste water” method was used in the treatment of high concentration acidic waste liquids containing manganese. Using this method, waste waters after treatment has mass concentration of manganese of 0.45 mg/L and SS of 10 mg/L, reaching the requirement of the first-level standard. The waste water treatment method can be used in the manufacturing, using and treatment of DFMT01 as a closed loop. DFMT01 is a weighting material having excellent property, low cost and very broad promotion and application prospects.
表 1 DFMT01和Micromax样品X射线荧光分析 (%)
加重剂 Mn3O4 Fe2O3 SiO2 CaO MgO SO3 DFMT01 92.629 3.445 0.137 1.683 0.169 0.362 Micromax 96.672 2.802 0.065 0.023 0.184 0.019 表 2 DFMT01和Micromax样品理化性能
加重剂 ρ/
%莫氏硬度 圆球度 粒径分布/μm D10 D50 D90 DFMT01 4.77 99.2 5.5 0.967 0.53 1.17 3.79 Micromax 4.78 99.4 5.5 0.977 0.48 1.01 3.51 表 3 加重剂单剂和加重钻井液体系的磁性评价
加重剂 磁性/GS 磁性物/% 泥饼黏附系数 泥饼磁性/GS DFMT01 0.6 0.078 0.0612 0.5 Micromax 0.8 0.102 0.0699 0.7 重晶石 0.6 0.089 0.1051 0.6 铁矿粉 20.2 6.151 0.2035 13.7 注:钻井液体系为1.60 g/cm3的聚磺钻井液体系,测试条件为180 ℃热滚16 h。 表 4 加重剂对聚磺钻井液流变性和滤失性的影响
加重剂 1.6 g/cm3 2.0 g/cm3 2.4 g/cm3 AV/
mLDFMT01 54.0 40 14.0 13.0 66 39 27 14.8 110 75 35 16.4 Micromax 51.0 37 14.0 13.6 63 42 21 14.0 102 72 30 16.2 重晶石 43.5 33 10.5 10.2 80 54 26 11.6 12.2 铁矿粉 38.0 26 12.0 14.4 48 30 18 15.2 13.2 注:FLHTHP在180 ℃、3.5 MPa下测定。 -
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