Mechanisms of Borehole Instability of the Shaximiao Formation in Block Zhongjiang and the Anti-collapse Alkyl Glycoside Drilling Fluid
摘要: 针对川西中江区块沙溪庙组井壁失稳技术难题,分析了沙溪庙组泥岩的矿物组成、微观结构及理化性能,揭示了沙溪庙组井壁失稳机理。沙溪庙组属于典型的硬脆性泥岩,黏土矿物含量高,水化作用强,其中伊利石含量最高,微纳米尺度裂隙发育,钻井液滤液侵入后,伊利石、伊蒙混层等分布不均匀,比亲水量大,水化膜斥力大,裂缝不断扩展,易发生井壁坍塌。结合“多元协同”井壁稳定理论,优选了烷基糖苷类抑制剂、微纳米封堵剂等,构建了适用于沙溪庙组的烷基糖苷高性能防塌钻井液体系。通过室内实验可知,该体系流变性良好,API滤失量小于3 mL,高温高压滤失量不大于8 mL,岩样滚动回收率为98.87%,膨胀率小于3%,抑制性优良,对微裂缝和孔隙封堵能力强。现场应用表明,烷基糖苷高性能防塌钻井液能有效抑制沙溪庙组地层坍塌,机械钻速高,无井下复杂事故发生,为保证中江区块沙溪庙组“安全、高效、经济”钻井施工提供了技术支撑。Abstract: Borehole wall instability has long been a problem encountered in drilling the Shaximiao formation in the block Zhongjiang, western Sichuan. To solve this problem, the claystones from the Shaximiao formation was studied for their mineral composition, microstructure and physical-chemical properties. The study results have revealed the mechanisms of borehole wall instability of the Shaximiao formation. The Shaximiao formation is a typical hard and brittle rock with high content of clay minerals (mostly illite) which are strongly hydratable. The formation is developed with plenty of micrometer- and nanometer-sized fractures, which will expand continually when mud filtrate invasion take place and finally, collapse. The inhomogeneous distribution of illite and illite/montmorillonite mixed layer in the rocks, high specific water absorptivity and high repulsive force of the hydration films have made the expansion of the microfractures even worse. An alkyl glycoside inhibitive agent and a nanometer plugging agent were selected to formulate a high-performance anti-collapse drilling fluid based on the “Multivariate collaboration” borehole stabilization theory. Laboratory experiment on the performance of this drilling fluid has shown that this drilling fluid has good rheology, API filter loss of less than 3 mL, HTHP filter loss of 8 mL or less, percent cuttings recovery of 98.87%, swelling rate of less than 3%. These data indicate that the drilling fluid has good inhibitive capacity and good capacity of plugging the microfractures and micropores. Field application has shown that the alkyl glycoside drilling fluid can effectively inhibit the collapse of the Shaximiao formation. High ROP was obtained with this drilling fluid, and no downhole troubles have been encountered. The use of the alkyl glycoside drilling fluid has provided a technical support to safely, efficiently and economically drill the Shaximiao formation.
表 1 沙溪庙组岩样在清水中的滚动回收率和膨胀性能
岩心 滚动回收率/% 膨胀率/% 1# 81.68 7.84 2# 49.00 9.92 3# 65.57 11.13 4# 70.15 9.15 5# 76.89 8.92 平均值 68.66 9.39 表 2 沙溪庙组泥岩的比表面积和比亲水量
岩心编号 比表面积/(m2/g) 比亲水量/(×10−4 g/m2) 1# 11.79 31.82 2# 11.90 60.93 3# 12.04 21.19 4# 11.93 37.74 5# 12.14 18.53 平均值 11.96 34.04 表 3 烷基糖苷高性能防塌钻井液流变性及滤失性评价结果
Pa/PapH Hk/
mL老化前 58.5 45.0 13.5 2.5/3.5 10 0.5 2.4 8.0 老化后 56.0 42.0 14.0 3.5/6.0 10 0.5 2.8 注:老化条件为:120 ℃、16 h。 表 4 江沙220-3HF井烷基糖苷高性能防塌钻井液性能
井深/m ρ/(g·cm−3) PV/(mPa·s) YP/Pa FLAPI/mL G10 s/Pa G10 min/Pa pH FV/s 2652~4215 1.90~2.05 45~66 7~18 1.0~2.8 1~4 1.5~20.0 10~12 52~68 -
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