Study and Performance Evaluation of Ultra-High Temperature High Density Oil Based Drilling Fluids
摘要: 深层超深层油气钻探中面临着超高温高压、高压盐水、巨厚盐膏层和泥页岩层等复杂地质条件,导致油基钻井液的乳化稳定性、流变、滤失损耗等性能极难调控。合成了不饱和酸酐接枝妥尔油脂肪烃基的咪唑啉酰胺类主乳化剂和辅乳化剂,选用抗高温增黏剂、流型调节剂、润湿剂和降滤失剂,采用API重晶石和超细硫酸钡复合加重,构建了超高温高密度油基钻井液配方。性能评价结果表明,该超高温高密度油基钻井液抗温达220 ℃,复合加重后流变性显著改善,密度最高可达2.8 g/cm3,可抗40%淡水、40%复合盐水、5%~10%泥页岩岩屑和5%~10%石膏污染;在65 ℃/常压~220 ℃/172.5 MPa下具有良好的流变稳定性和悬浮稳定性。该超高温高密度油基钻井液为深层超深层油气资源的安全高效钻探提供了技术支撑。Abstract: Difficulties in controlling the emulsion stability, rheology and filtration property of the oil based drilling fluids are often encountered in drilling deep and ultra-deep wells in which high temperatures, high pressure formations and salt-waters, thick salt and gypsum zones and shale formations are penetrated. To deal with these problems, an ultra-high temperature high density oil based drilling fluid was formulated with synthesized emulsifiers, high temperature viscosifier, flow pattern additive, wetting agent, filter loss reducer and ultra-fine barite. The emulsifiers are an imidazoline amide with tall oil aliphatic hydrocarbon group grafted with unsaturated anhydride. Laboratory evaluation of the drilling fluid demonstrated that this drilling fluid can work normally at temperatures up to 220 ℃. The density of the drilling fluid can be weighted to 2.8 g/cm3. Using compounded weighting agents significantly improved the rheology of the drilling fluid. This drilling fluid is able to resist to contamination from 40% fresh water, or 40% compound salt water, or 5% – 10% shale cuttings, or 5% – 10% gypsum. The drilling fluid had good rheological stability and suspending stability at 65 ℃/atmospheric pressure to 220 ℃/172.5 MPa. This ultra-high temperature high density oil based drilling fluid has provided a technical support to the safe and efficient development of deep and ultra-deep buried oil and gas resources.
表 1 含乳化剂油包水钻井液的抗温能力评价
V热滚前 36.0 5.76 1328 150 ℃、16 h 36.0 7.20 2.8 1242 180 ℃、16 h 35.0 4.80 3.6 1049 200 ℃、16 h 34.5 4.80 4.2 917 220 ℃、16 h 30.0 4.32 4.8 709 表 2 密度为2.5 g/cm3油基钻井液高温热滚前后性能评价
V热滚前 69 18.0 12.5/14.5 1893 200 ℃、16 h 67 8.0 4.0/5.0 5.2 1242 220 ℃、16 h 61 6.5 3.5/5.0 7.6 1034 表 3 抗温200~220 ℃密度2.5 g/cm3油基钻井液配方优化及性能评价
钻井液 热滚
V3# 热滚前 68 20 16.0/18.5 2070 220 ℃、16 h 66 11.5 8.5/14.0 4.8 2055 200 ℃、72 h 68 12 7.0/12.5 5.2 1716 220 ℃、72 h 61 12.5 7.5/15.0 6.0 1882 4# 热滚前 94 20 10.0/17.5 2063 220 ℃、16 h 55 2.5 2.5/11.5 2.4 2070 200 ℃、72 h 60 3.5 4.0/7.5 5.6 2055 220 ℃、72 h 52 6.5 3.5/6.5 5.6 2062 表 4 超细硫酸钡对超高温高密度油基 钻井液性能影响的对比评价
VSR 2.70
(4#)热滚前 135 20.0 12.5/15.0 2048 200 ℃、16 h 93 8.0 4.0/8.5 5.0 2050 0.998 2.70
(4#*)热滚前 88 11.5 7.5/10.5 2048 200 ℃、16 h 68 7.0 5.0/7.5 4.2 2050 1.000 2.70
(4#)热滚前 112 16.5 10.0/15.0 2048 220 ℃、16 h 90 5.0 2.0/7.5 4.8 2050 0.993 2.70
(4#*)热滚前 115 22.5 16.0/20.0 2048 220 ℃、16 h 79 4.0 3.0/7.5 4.0 2050 1.000 2.60
(4#*)热滚前 77 18.0 12.0/21.0 2048 200 ℃、16 h 71 5.0 3.0/5.0 4.8 2050 1.000 220 ℃、16 h 80 6.0 5.0/7.0 5.2 1950 1.000 2.80
(5#)热滚前 92 15.0 6.0/10.0 2050 220 ℃、16 h 93 7.0 5.0/6.5 3.2 2050 1.000 220 ℃、72 h 92 11.0 7.0/14.0 2.8 2050 1.000 2.80
(6#)热滚前 68 8.5 4.5/8.0 2050 220 ℃、16 h 68 8.5 5.5/7.0 5.0 1736 1.000 220 ℃、72 h 87 11.0 8.0/10.5 6.0 1091 1.000 注:4#*配方为4#+90%高密度重晶石+10%超细硫酸钡 表 5 超高温高密度油基钻井液(7#配方)抗污染实验(150 ℃、16 h)
V污染前 56.0 9.0 4.0/4.5 3.2 2048 200 mL淡水 55.0 11.0 4.5/6.5 3.4 1267 400 mL淡水 67.0 13.5 5.5/8.5 3.6 703 200 mL复合盐水 67.0 15.5 3.5/4.5 4.4 765 400 mL复合盐水 84.0 21.5 4.5/5.0 1.0 401 100 g岩屑 68.0 14.5 6.0/8.5 2.0 2045 100 g硫酸钙 75.0 12.5 5.0/6.5 3.9 1872 注:污染因素为每升钻井液的加入量 表 6 超高温高密度油基钻井液(8#配方)抗污染实验(180 ℃、16 h)
V污染前 66 9.0 5.0/6.5 5.4 2048 400 mL清水 61 12.0 5.0/7.0 4.0 384 400 mL复合盐水 74 15.5 7.0/8.0 5.0 388 50 g岩屑 87 6.5 5.2/7.0 4.2 1243 50 g硫酸钙 83 5.5 5.6/8.0 4.2 1509 注:污染因素为每升钻井液的加入量 表 7 超高温高密度油基钻井液的高温高压流变性测试
MPaφ600 φ300 PV/
Paφ6 φ3 LSYP/
Pa65 107.5 64.9 42.6 11.15 15.9 14.7 6.48 65 34.5 180.7 104.8 75.9 14.45 19.7 18.5 8.30 150 69.0 87.0 56.2 30.8 12.70 17.2 16.3 7.39 150 138.0 114.9 64.9 50.0 7.45 15.4 14.3 6.34 180 138.0 92.9 52.6 40.3 6.15 13.9 12.8 5.62 180 172.5 119.9 69.7 50.2 9.75 15.5 14.6 6.58 200 172.5 110.8 62.4 48.2 7.20 14.2 13.4 6.05 220 172.5 105.4 59.2 46.2 6.50 12.9 11.9 5.32 表 8 环境温度对油基钻井液流变性的影响
T/℃ φ100 φ6 T/℃ φ100 φ6 10 186 19 40 61 8 20 153 16 50 47 7 30 65 10 65 32 6 -
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